February 4, 2022
SYMPOSIUM – BICC, Lilongwe. The 2021 PFM research symposium provided a platform for sharing research findings on best practices, alternative and viable policy options on PFM with the aim of influencing policy decision making in the country.

The Consortium of ECAMA, Oxfam in Malawi and Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR), organized a Public Finance Management (PFM) Research Symposium on 30th November 2021 at the Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC), under the theme ‘Improved Decision Making in PFM, Enabled by Evidence-Based Research and Sharing of Best Fit Models’ with support from the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Malawi.

Discussions at the Symposium were done under four sub themes, namely, Strategic Budget Planning, Budget Control and Evaluation, Procurement Management and Effective Scrutiny and Audit.

Dr Ellias Ngalande, delivering a keynote address during the symposium



Welcoming remarks by ECAMA President, Mrs Lauryn Nyasulu.

Statement by Oxfam Country Director, Ms Lingalireni Mihowa.

Keynote Address by Dr Ellias Ngalande

Official opening by the Guest of Honour, Mr. Heatherwick Njati, Secretary of Administration in the Ministry of Finance.


Presentation 1: Financial and Operating Performance of the Selected State-Owned Firms Between 2014-2020 in Malawi.

Presentation 2: Associated Factors Influencing High Public Debt in Malawi.

Presentation 3: Effectiveness of procurement process implementation on Malawi’s economy: SAM multiplier analysis for the period of 2015-2020.

Presentation 4: Assessment of factors affecting implementation of audit recommendations in the public sector in Malawi.


The Nation, December 15, 2021: PFM Act review needs related reforms—expert

2021 Public Finance Management (PFM) Research Symposium (pdf version)

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February 4, 2022
SYMPOSIUM – BICC, Lilongwe. The 2021 PFM research symposium provided a platform for sharing research findings on best practices, alternative and viable policy options on PFM with the aim of influencing policy decision making in the country.

The Consortium of ECAMA, Oxfam in Malawi and Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR), organized a Public Finance Management (PFM) Research Symposium on 30th November 2021 at the Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC), under the theme ‘Improved Decision Making in PFM, Enabled by Evidence-Based Research and Sharing of Best Fit Models’ with support from the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Malawi.

Discussions at the Symposium were done under four sub themes, namely, Strategic Budget Planning, Budget Control and Evaluation, Procurement Management and Effective Scrutiny and Audit.

Dr Ellias Ngalande, delivering a keynote address during the symposium



Welcoming remarks by ECAMA President, Mrs Lauryn Nyasulu.

Statement by Oxfam Country Director, Ms Lingalireni Mihowa.

Keynote Address by Dr Ellias Ngalande

Official opening by the Guest of Honour, Mr. Heatherwick Njati, Secretary of Administration in the Ministry of Finance.


Presentation 1: Financial and Operating Performance of the Selected State-Owned Firms Between 2014-2020 in Malawi.

Presentation 2: Associated Factors Influencing High Public Debt in Malawi.

Presentation 3: Effectiveness of procurement process implementation on Malawi’s economy: SAM multiplier analysis for the period of 2015-2020.

Presentation 4: Assessment of factors affecting implementation of audit recommendations in the public sector in Malawi.


The Nation, December 15, 2021: PFM Act review needs related reforms—expert

2021 Public Finance Management (PFM) Research Symposium (pdf version)

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Lucious Pawa

Lucious Pawa is an Economic Analyst at ECAMA Secretariat.